Author – Ace Bowers
Publication date- 14 March 2019
Genre – Self- help
Review by – Prakriti Singh
Source- Review copy
Rating- 5/5
Ace Bowers is born in poverty. His childhood consists
of three main things- his parents' constant fights, his brother moving in and
out of jail, and his fear that his wealthy friends would find about the truth
about his life. He hides his problems deep inside his heart and never let
anyone peek inside the long walls covering his dark side.
He promised himself never to be like his parents but
soon realizes that he is taking the same path. He is poverty-stricken,
unemployed without a college degree. But then his girlfriend gives him a piece
of news. Two words and his life is completely changed. He is determined to
improve, not just for himself, but for his family that he is about to begin.
How will his life change?
The Mindset is a story
of a man who describes his journey from being a janitor to being a millionaire.
It is a memoir written by Ace Bowers highlighting his life from childhood to
parenthood through all the ups and downs in life. It is a book that will make
the reader think about his approaches towards life. It enlightens the author's
hunger for success and makes the reader crave for more.
The author describes mindset as the only bridge to
success. He strictly emphasizes that it is us who decide what we would be in
the coming years. It is our mind that plays all the games, and once we know how
to control our minds, we will know how to control our lives. He expresses will
and support to be the only strength of a person. You gain support and keep
going. That should be your aim.
Initially, I had been hesitant about selecting the
book because I was worried that it would turn out to be a monotonous self-help
book. But I was completely wrong! The author's style to convey his message made
me fall in love with the book. The author uses humor and appealing phrases to
describe events and emotions. He does not give bits of advice about what we
should do or what we shouldn't. Instead, he tries to make the reader
enlightened by relating to his own story.
Another thing I like about the story was that it was
relatable. If the story had used an exaggerated method to display
determination, like being completely different from the parents and being
determined to break the cycle of poverty in the first go, I would have never
believed the book. But the author offered full transparency about his journey.
He describes that he started smoking and being the same mess that his parents
were. All of his words and truthfulness instilled more liveliness in the book.
While I tried to find something unappealing about the book, it was an impossible feat—I loved everything about it and ended up reading it in a single day. The story had no errors, and the book was exceptionally well-edited. There was no profane language used and did not involve any erotic content. I give this book 4 out of 4 stars.'
If you are looking for a story that will make your life more meaningful and change your way of looking towards life, this one is for you. The journey from being poverty-stricken to dealing with millionaires, mixed with emotions, is a full venture for your mind. The book will appeal to the readers who like to read self-help books and the lives of successful people.